About two years ago, I learnt about Broga® Yoga while browsing for men’s yoga programmes online. At that time, I emailed them, asking if there was any way I could learn more about Broga® Yoga, but unfortunately that was not possible.

This year, when I was in Vietnam, a new online course by Broga® Yoga was made available and I did not hesitate to sign up. I have to say that the course was great, it made me see yoga from a more fitness perspective: how the breath and positive energy can be the foundation and the yoga poses and movements can be made into something more fitness-based, bootcamp even.

So here I am, now launching Broga® Yoga in Malaysia, with the inaugural class at Aravind Yoga. The class is designed for less flexible, strong people. So even though it sounds like it is tailored only for men, it isn’t. Women would benefit a lot by dropping in, as the participants found out. The class also includes some high intensity moments, some cardio moments, some strength moments, and some restorative moments – a total all-rounder yoga workout, if I do say so myself!

I also would like to add that it is the perfect complement for any sport, whether it be running, swimming, cycling, trail running, triathlons, martial arts, you name it! But then, I admit, I am biased!