Getting #realfit post CNY, post Valentines at Activ Studio!
My men’s yoga class is actually morphing into a couples’ class! Whether single or attached, come get real fit with us!
My men’s yoga class is actually morphing into a couples’ class! Whether single or attached, come get real fit with us!
A quieter year on the Broga® front, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been exciting!
Broga® Yoga at Activ Studio in Bangsar last week was awesome! Learn more!
My debut at a yoga & wellness festival, Murfest 2017, showcasing Broga® Yoga.
Broga Yoga with Daniel (i.e. me) is featured in Malay-language Kosmo!
Broga Yoga featured in Time Out, KL! Check it out!
Men’s Health Malaysia tried out Broga® Yoga & this is what they had to say!