A FREE Yoga Retreat Program that will help you to:

  • acknowledge your feelings
  • release your pain
  • restore your energy
  • reconnect with your inner wisdom
  • reclaim your joy

You will get yoga, meditation, breath-work and journaling practices for this retreat.


About Daniel.

Hello, I’m Daniel, a certified and experienced yoga teacher, reiki healer and personal trainer. I support you in your midlife grief through yoga, mindfulness and reiki.

I serve mid-lifers through the experiences that come on the other side of forty, which includes grief, as we watch our parents age, or go through empty-nest syndrome, or even experience the loss of passion for life when he hit forty and over.

It makes me so happy to see people he works with succeed.

P.S. I also help your animal companion(s) through reiki, tarot and other energy healing modalities.


Virtual Yoga for Mid-Lifers.

Virtual Yoga Courses.

Dive deeper into yoga practice, both on and off the mat! Incorporate yoga wisdom into your daily life to reap the full benefits of what yoga has to offer you.

Virtual Yoga Workshops.

Ever wanted to immerse yourself in the basics of yoga arm balances or yoga heart-openers. Check out these virtual yoga workshops, to be viewed and practised at your convenience.

What practitioners say:

Managing Your Emotions Through Yoga.

This is an introductory journey into the world of emotions through the Rasas, which is part of yoga and tantra philosophy.

During the 12 lessons, a unique perspective on emotions is introduced, discussing the concept of emotions as energy – or Shakti – and the Rasas as the essential expression of the ‘tastes’ that shape our human experience.

Follow me on Instagram:

Insight Timer

My guided meditations, breath-work, and reiki practices are all available here. Also check out my scheduled live practices (reiki and yoga) on this app.

Guided by Keziah

This app has my guided meditations, breath-work, and reiki practices, as well as my video courses. I am so honoured to be a part of the team.

Sign up below, using code DANIEL10