Yoga for Athletes Workshop!

Maybe five years ago or so, I was very passionate about introducing yoga to the world or sports, and also to men. The latter has led to my Broga©️ Yoga classes, while the latter led to my collaborating with FISAF Malaysia.

Initially, we did a “Yoga for Runners” workshop here in Kuala Lumpur. It was really well received and Simone Quinten of liked it enough to want to continue on with another workshop in Johor Bahru, “Yoga for Athletes”.

Recently, Simone asked me to revive this little yoga gem, and so we did a “Yoga for Athletes” workshop again, this time at FISAF Malaysia / Body For Life’s new studio in Plaza Damas.

It was great to have so many people from so many backgrounds: including runners, triathletes, fitness professionals and just people who wanted to learn how to stretch, how to be more mindful and how to prevent injuries.

It truly was an honour to have conducted this workshop. I am so grateful to Simone, FISAF Malaysia and all the participants for the privilege!