The Essential Yoga Program debuted on 15 April 2019 at Aravind Yoga. What happens in an Essential Yoga class? Well, us the teachers decide what kind of theme we want for the class, and then we incorporate the appropriate essential oils into the class to help us with the theme.

It was a quiet Monday evening but there was a pretty good number of people in the class, for which I am grateful. I chose a very basic flow theme, so I started out with diffusing dōTERRA’s Balance® for good grounding throughout the class. Later on, Peppermint, dōTERRA’s Deep Blue® and dōTERRA’s Peace® were shared at different intervals. Want to know why? Come join us for the next one! 😜

The next Essential Yoga will be held at Activ Studio, Lorong Maarof, Bangsar on 1 May (public holiday yo!) 2019 at 11 am! It will be a 90 min class, so hope to see you there!

As an aside, I just realised that both Broga® Yoga and Essential Yoga Program made their debut in Malaysia at Aravind Yoga! And the second major class for both took / will take place at Activ Studio!