The Yamas establish a foundation of ethical living, which is the bedrock of any spiritual practice. They guide our interactions with the world, promoting non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, moderation, and non-possessiveness. The Niyamas, on the other hand, turn our focus inwards, inviting us to cultivate self-discipline and personal growth. These internal observances include cleanliness (Saucha), contentment (Santosha), discipline (Tapas), self-study (Svadhyaya), non-attachment (Aparigraha), and surrender (Ishvarapranidhana).
Tag: yoga philosophy
Four ways to gain clarity in your grief.
Read on to learn four ways to gain clarity in your grief. Aside from yoga asana, you can use these tools on-the-go!
Impermanence and accepting change in grief.
Read on to learn a few pieces of wisdom from Pema Chödrön that helped me during my periods of grief
Manage your anger in grief – find peace within.
Discover how yoga can help you manage your anger in grief. Read on to learn how the many tools and wisdom from yoga can help you find inner peace in your grief journey.
How to find courage in grief – tips to help you cope.
Losing a loved one can be overwhelming, but finding courage in grief is possible. Read on for tips on how to cope with grief, including options from yoga wisdom and movement.
How yoga helps to bring grounding when we grieve.
Yoga helps us ground in the moment. In other words, find equanimity in grief. so we have some respite from the sorrow of loss. Learn a few ways how yoga helps in this blog post.
The effect of grief and loss on our chakras.
Grief and loss can have a profound impact on our chakras. This post discusses in video form how the journey of grief affects the chakras.
How the breath helps when you grieve.
When we experience grief, we tend to be stressed or anxious. Through our conscious breathing, we can invite clarity and compassion.
What grief and loss does to our body.
Learn how grief and loss affect the energy that courses through our five sheaths of body – according to yoga.