It is rare that a yoga teacher has the privilege to start a class where all or almost all the participants are totally fresh and new. A blank slate to write on. With the ladies from the HR department of IBM Cyber Jaya (hashtag #ibmcyberyoga), I had the opportunity to introduce them to yoga mat practice.

For the uninitiated, starting with a whole class fresh has a steep learning curve, but we all soldiered on. Some evenings I was picky and fussy and making them do drills over and over again. And some evenings, I let them do whatever they like but peaked off in yoga poses that were difficult! Some surprised themselves by being able to perform those poses!

It has been almost three years now since we first began. Some of them have left for greener pastures, some of them even did yoga teacher trainings! Now all of them will be transferred to a different location which will make classes difficult for all, so we have decided to discontinue.

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I wish them all the best in their new location and hope everything works well with them! Hopefully, we will meet each other again on the mat or off!