Cilisos: How Many Calories Do You Burn At Bersih?

Ah… So now I do freelance work for Cilisos as well. I have to say, for awhile, I have been enjoying the articles posted on this online magazine. They deliver really great content but in a fun accessible way, especially for the younger demographic. So I met up with the editor last week, we banged out loads of ideas, and here’s the first of it! How many calories do you burn at Bersih!?

This is one of my favourite paragraphs:

If you decided to protest the protest by allowing your friends to bash you with sticks, followed by a tumble or a continuous rolling tumble, then mebbe add 50 calories more lah. Depends on how long they bash you and for how many metres you continuously tumbled. If they bashed you for half an hour and your rolled one kilometre, mebbe throw in 250 calories burned.

For the whole thing, click here! And share it on Facebook if you like it!

If you can’t hit the link, it is here:

Let me know what you think!