Category: Personal Wellness, Travel and Thoughts

GVA: Home Minister admits Internet news now mainstream

  Malaysia’s Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar, was reported to have saidthat Internet media is no “alternative media” as more and more Malaysians were obtaining news and information from the Internet. He said this at after giving the keynote address at the Colloquium on Media Policy in Malaysia, organised by the Asian Institute for Developing Communication (Aidcom) […]

GVA: Blogger’s bail extended

  Blogger kickdefella, who was arrested for seeking the public to post the Malaysian national flag upside-down, has had his bail extended to Nov 21. Kickdefella, or Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz, was arrested on Sept 17 was freed three days later on police bail. He was called in by the Commercial Crimes Investigation Department (CCID) headquarters in Kuala Lumpur […]

GVA: Yet another blogger rebuked

Deputy Chief Minister, Alfred Jabu Numpang, of the Malaysian state of Sarawak, has criticised blogger, Joseph Tawie for a posting on the latter’s blog. Freelance writer and blogger Tawie accused Sarawak state leaders of suppressing allegations of sexual abuse of Penan women in his blog, The Broken Shield. A blog post urged the state authorities to probe the […]

The Sun: Law of the Jungle

My column for the Sun was out yesterday, on the allegations of sexual abuse against Penan women. As many Malaysians push for greater accountability of their leaders, we shouldn’t forget corporate accountability either. And by this, I’m not just talking about responsibility to the shareholders, but also to their employees, their creditors and all stakeholders, […]

GVA: Singapore blogger jailed for insulting judge

  Former Singaporean citizen and naturalized American, Gopalan Nair, has been sentenced to three months imprisonment for insulting a high court judge on his blog. Newspaper reports that the court, in handing out the sentence, had stated that Gopalan had “scandalised…the judiciary and the administration of justice in Singapore” On his blog, Gopalan had allegedly insulted Justice Belinda […]