Read on to learn a few pieces of wisdom from Pema Chödrön that helped me during my periods of grief
Tag: mindset change
A yoga sequence based on Shiva stories.
A yoga sequence inspired by the stories of Shiva – the ultimate yogi.
Shiva’s stories in yoga.
To celebrate men in Movember, we are looking at the Shiva – the ultimate yogi.
Celebrating your story through yoga.
Stories and symbolism are so important in bringing across the wisdom in yoga.
The story & symbol of the goddess in yoga.
Often times, yoga is stripped of its “religious” background because it is felt that “yoga should be for everyone”, no matter what religion or whether they are religious or not. It is also felt that the stories in yoga are “woo-woo” and it sometimes “offends” the sensitivities of those belonging to other faiths. While this […]