The roundup for this year is somewhat of a roller-coaster ride. Life at the bootcamp was getting difficult to the point that I chose to leave the organisation (albeit my tenure was prematurely ended in November, rather than end of December). Leaving the bootcamp was not easy for me. I built it up from scratch, and was like a Papa Bear to everyone there. I worried about the participants and advised them via messaging sometimes beyond midnight. Still, it was time to move on.

I also got a lot more personal training clients, both in fitness and yoga, which has been such a blessing. The gig training the young pro golfers with PGM Academy was such a blast and I loved every minute of it! Some of them enjoyed my sessions so much, they asked for personal training too! Awesome!

And as mentioned, I have had awesome opportunities to teach yoga, both solo as well as classes. I think for me an eye opening experience this year was teaching yoga to the blind.

In addition, of course, the Runners’ Yoga column in Running Malaysia magazine, the Runners’ Yoga demonstration for Malaysia Women’s Marathon, as well as practice with Saraswathy Jois, were awesome highlights. Am blessed!

How did your year go?