Tag: midlife grief

Navigating Grief: Yamas & Niyamas for Midlife Healing.

Grief happens frequently during midlife. Yoga offers a unique perspective and valuable tools to navigate this complex terrain.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a foundational text of yoga philosophy, outlines an eightfold path towards self-realization. Within this framework, the Yamas (ethical principles) and Niyamas (self-observances) provide a guiding light through midlife grief. The Yamas cultivate compassion in our interactions with the world, including ourselves, while the Niyamas invite us to build inner strength and self-awareness.

How can the Yamas & Niyamas support us in navigating grief?

The Yamas like Ahimsa (non-violence) encourage self-compassion, while Satya (truthfulness) invites us to acknowledge our emotions with honesty. The Niyamas, such as Saucha (cleanliness) and Santosha (contentment), can help us create a supportive environment and find moments of peace amidst the sadness.