Earth and water – the first and second chakras.
Learn how the first and second chakras affect us when these energy wheels are inactive or imbalanced. Stay tuned to learn more on each chakra in yoga and also in our daily lives.
Learn how the first and second chakras affect us when these energy wheels are inactive or imbalanced. Stay tuned to learn more on each chakra in yoga and also in our daily lives.
Read a general overview on the chakras, what they are and in which disciplines they are generally used. Stay tuned for a look at each of the chakras!
Are you really a beginner in yoga? Or do you need to get out of your comfort zone? Some points for discernment – read on!
Yoga meets us where we are. Watch four videos of sun salute variations that begins at gentle and ends with athleticism.
Four yoga asana to help your fold, twist and release!
Yoga poses may be able to help us let go of unskilful grippings and negative thought patterns. Here are four useful poses to know!
Being able to touch one’s toes may be a lifelong goal, but here are four fallacies towards that journey. Take a read!
Yoga may have some useful methods to help you let go of unskilful patterns and grippings. Take a read!
Join me in these accessible yoga grounding movement practices! Short and doable for apparently healthy midlifers.