Third month in the gym.

For my February workout, I decided to move into a modified version of Men’s Fitness’ “Reconstruction Plan“. What appealed to me about this workout was the way it was broken down:

  • Day 1: Chest / Back
  • Day 2: Legs / Abs
  • Day 3: Shoulders / Arms
  • Day 4: Full Body

I decided to eschew Day 4 and fit in another 60 minutes of cardio. My plan is to do 120-150 minutes of cardio per week, plus at least one yoga practice day per week. So four days with weights was a little too much for me. On a side note, I intend to try the 120-150 minutes of cardio per week at least until the end of March.

I really enjoyed this workout, and I began using barbells again (finally). Barbell rows were tough and I was especially careful with leg barbell exercises (squats and deadlifts). Still, every week I found I could easily add on more weight, and I think I look better now than three months ago! So I am pretty pleased!

One thing though, with three days in the gym for strength, one full cardio day, it is gonna be tough for my yoga practice. In March, I intend to do Men’s Fitness’ “Redemption Workout” plan, which requires a four-day split. I will have to increase the cardio per day in gym to 30 minutes (to keep to the minimum 120 minutes of cardio per week), because I also intend to increase my yoga practice to twice a week (my backbends are suffering!).

I’m on a deload week now (only yoga and cardio), but I intend to begin the Redemption Plan next week. More soon!

  • For my second month in the gym, see here.
  • For my initial reintroduction to the gym, click here and here.
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