The Sun – It’s all about mindset

My most recent one was about how we are fixed in our own mindsets, especially when it comes to race and ethnicity in West Malaysia.

After all, who created the constructs of race and creed but ourselves. That a certain group of people must behave in a certain way because they are of a certain race. Or that we need to behave in a certain way because we are of a certain ethnicity. Who created and dictated these terms but ourselves. And that is just a mindset.

But beyond this, isn’t everything just a mindset? I would say that it is. In the 1980s and earlier, parents wanted their children to be one of the four professionals: lawyer, doctor, accountant or engineer. This is whether the child herself wanted to pursue such a career. Many people in their forties or older who are lawyers, doctors, accountants or engineers are in that profession, not because they are passionate about it, but because it was a mindset their parents had, which they acceded to whether in mutiny or not.

For more, click here. For the PDF, here.

What do you think? Are you or have you been constrained by mindsets?

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