Manasa Handstand Workshop

This year, I haven’t been to any Manasa workshops, aside from the yatra in Rishikesh, India, in August this year (which is technically not a workshop). So I was looking forward to this workshop, especially as leading up to it, the Manasa resident teachers had a meeting discussing it, as well as all forms of inversions.

In the end, I only went for one day, but that is another story. But that one day was a very good day, rich with learning. We began with some wrist mobility, and did I ever learn how immobile my wrists were through the exercises. Then we moved on to shoulder, serratus and trapezius strengthening. I think this was good, because I suspect my traps aren’t as strong as they should be, although I think my anterior thoracic muscles are pretty okay…

This was followed by lots and lots of core work, and integrated posterior / anterior thoracic and core work. This was really interesting for me, especially as a teacher. The conditioning work with bolsters was really innovative and I am looking forward to introducing practitioners to this.

Finally, we began on inversion work with the wall. Lots of wall handstands, L-handstands, standing pelvic work, wall cartwheels, before we moved into partner work in actual handstands.

Okay, so I landed badly twice on the ball of my right foot, which affected my knee. Maybe I was tired, maybe I was overenthusiastic, but this is the reason why I ended up only going for one day. My thoughts are: I would like to be active and healthy, with full use of my limbs until the end of my days, so I am going to try my best to look after my body until then. This is with Guru Manoj’s blessing, of course.

I would recommend any Manasa workshop for those interested in deepening your yoga practice. F0r example, we were encouraged to follow where the energy went after every exertion, whether lying down, seated or in child’s pose. It is a good practice, and can lead to beautiful experiences. Glad I went! 👍🏽

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