Wisdom Teachings

Explore ancient yogic philosophy and spiritual teachings made relevant for modern life. From the Shad Darshana to the Puranas, discover timeless wisdom that illuminates your path of self-discovery and inner growth.

Movement & Vitality for Midlife, Wisdom Teachings

Pranayama: The Breath of Life.

Discover the transformative power of pranayama, the conscious control of breath, in navigating life’s challenges. This blog delves into the profound connection between pranayama and emotional well-being, exploring its role in healing grief and finding balance during midlife. Learn practical techniques and insights to harness the life force within you and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Wisdom Teachings

Navigating Grief: Yamas & Niyamas for Midlife Healing.

Grief happens frequently during midlife. Yoga offers a unique perspective and valuable tools to navigate this complex terrain.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a foundational text of yoga philosophy, outlines an eightfold path towards self-realization. Within this framework, the Yamas (ethical principles) and Niyamas (self-observances) provide a guiding light through midlife grief. The Yamas cultivate compassion in our interactions with the world, including ourselves, while the Niyamas invite us to build inner strength and self-awareness.

How can the Yamas & Niyamas support us in navigating grief?

The Yamas like Ahimsa (non-violence) encourage self-compassion, while Satya (truthfulness) invites us to acknowledge our emotions with honesty. The Niyamas, such as Saucha (cleanliness) and Santosha (contentment), can help us create a supportive environment and find moments of peace amidst the sadness.

Wisdom Teachings

The Journey Through Grief with the Navarasa.

Within the ancient practice of Rasa Sadhana lies a transformative map—the Nine Rasas—guiding us through the labyrinth of our inner world. Explore Sadness as a vessel of compassion, and Peace as the stillness that cradles our grief. As we honor these emotional alchemies, we weave a tapestry that harmonizes our inner world.

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