Freeletics for first quarter 2016

This year, I have been on a quest to burn some calories because of the weight I had put on in December last year. Recalling the best fat blaster I could think of from recent times, I opted for the Freeletics Strength and Cardio programme, which I did in the second quarter of 2015.

Freeletics is an app you can download. It has its workout programmed, similar to Crossfit WODs, except all of them are pure calisthenics. Last year, I followed the workouts but not the order of the programme. This year, I am trying to finish off all 15 weeks.

Executing the “Metis” workout last year – no photos for this cycle

The good news is that there has been good noticeable fat loss. With workouts incorporating 200 burpees or 500 jumping jacks, it is hard not to lose weight. Another good thing about Freeletics workouts are that they can be finished off in less than half an hour, with some shorter ones getting done in five minutes or less! So, if you are a sucker for punishment (as I have been from Week Five onwards), you can do two or even three days’ worth of workout in one go!

I have made adjustments to the programme, however, skipping out max workouts and also sometimes switching from calisthenics to weights (e.g. switching 500 burpees to 250 burpees + 250 kettle bell swings – things like that). I have enjoyed Freeletics, although the first two weeks were conditioning weeks when I could barely do 25 burpees without having a two minute break afterwards! But you get used to it and, until recently, I was hopping back and forth like there was no tomorrow.

The bad news is I somehow injured my right knee. This happened in the fourteenth week. I might have been doing too many burpees, landing in misalignment or just ploughing through without a thought. But whatever it is, jumping forward is painful for me now. Sometimes, jumping is painful full stop.

I finished the Freeletics 15-week programme the weekend 12th/13th March 2016 and I feel pretty good for seeing it through. I would recommend it, especially for intermediate fitness enthusiasts.

My next workout cycle will probably TRX Force.

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