Yoga practice to ground and balance.

We have been immersed in grounding practise through yoga recently. What better way to put the wisdom, movement and breath practise into one yoga movement practise?

Below, I have put together a few short snippets of yoga practise for you. Follow the practise in sequence, or just whichever works for you based on your time and convenience.

As a preamble, check you have a quiet space and about at least ten minutes free. Have a good yoga mat, have a towel handy, and also some cushions or more towels if you have knee issues. For other struggles or challenges you may have, email me and I will do my best to help.

Accessible yoga warm-up.

Accessible Yoga Warm-Up

Restorative yoga sun salutes.

Lengthen and strengthen yoga sequence.

Seated yoga sequence.

Put these sequences into one longer practice or pick and choose which suits your schedule, if you are time poor.

Work with me 1:1 virtually to get more from your yoga practice, see below!

Work with me.

Let’s journey together for your awakening using yoga and other mindfulness tools. Get peace in your body, clarity in your mind, courage in your heart and confidence in your spirit, so that you can move towards brighter years ahead!

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