Behind the scenes of a live-streamed yoga class

Having both attended and taught a live-streamed virtual yoga class, I can tell you that the preparation involved is very different, just in case you’re wondering.

So I thought I would share with you behind-the-scenes of preparing for and executing a live-streamed yoga class:

First: clear up the space

When I first began teaching live-streamed yoga classes on Zoom app, I never realised what an eyesore some of the stuff in my space was! Only during the first few playbacks of videos times did I notice that maybe a few things needed to be moved out of the way. I even decided to put away the kitten cage because it was an eyesore, and the kittens are no longer really kittens.

So before any class, there is some time spent pushing away things and making the space look presentable.

Second: Mats, props and cats!

Of course, once everything has been put away, then what I need for the class needs to be put in place. So mats are rolled out (I use two), skidless towels are laid out on the main mat, stools for the computer are put in place (there are two of them), and the yoga props are brought out of the store room (usually bolster and blocks).

Of course, once the mats and skidless towel are laid out, cats inevitably end up on them. They also sniff the blocks and bolster, and usually make a nuisance of themselves. I have a bit of fear that a cat fight may break out during class. So far, it hasn’t happened! Touch wood, fingers crossed etc.!

Third: Lighting

Evening classes are tricky. The lighting in my apartment makes one set-up work the best. However, because my partner needs to cook or prepare dinner, I have begun experimenting in different set-ups.

This is not just useful for me and the participants, but also for me and the teachers whose classes I attend. And of course, for the purposes of recording the classes for this blog!

I’m still experimenting, because I too like to have different views. If you follow my videos, you’ll see all the experimentation taking place!

Fourth: Dimensions

I have long living space that precludes a landscape-style broadcasting opportunity. It makes things different compared to other yoga teachers who tend to show you a sideview when they demonstrate. Actually, it is the optimal, but it’s just not possible.

Before I began the classes in March, I did test out all options. Sadly, landscape is not an option.

Fifth: Animals and their toys

If you’ve attended my online classes, you probably have seen my cats lounging around me or underneath me as I demonstrate for you. In addition, you may have seen Luna bringing me her toy for me to throw for her, so she can fetch it. She loves that, and I do try to both cater to my class participants and to her if I can.

I have an earlier post on why I don’t kick them around so they won’t bug me during class, or when I practise. Read it here!

Sixth: Essential oils and other prep

When I need them, I either diffuse or apply essential oils on myself. Well, usually when I need them, I apply them on myself directly. The usual ones are peppermint or dōTERRA’s Motivate blend, but some times I use dōTERRA’s Past Tense or Deep Blue blends if I have any tension or muscle soreness respectively.

Of course, I change, put on my elbow brace etc. That happens just before the oils. And all this usually happens about a minute before I open up the Zoom app on my computer.

Seventh: Living partners

Somewhere along the line, I discuss with Eddy about my class scheduling and timings and prep for dinner. Whether he remembers this will be evidenced of your seeing him walk out during my class bare-chested.

Then there is the situation with lunch / dinner and preparation for that, if the classes are close to meal times! So sometimes the setup of the class entails closing of the view of the kitchen!

So all in all, to ensure that the class runs smoothly, I prep everything about a half hour earlier. And of course, there is the putting back of everything to the way it was after the class.

What about you?

How long does it take you to prepare for your live-stream class (whether participant or teacher)? Are you surprised at the amount of time it takes me? Comment below and tell me!

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