Personal Money: Time to hit the books

 Some say the best time to study is when the economy is on a nosedive. The truth is it’s always a good time to invest in knowledge. 

Nina Adlan Disney, Editorial Advisor for education publication, Prospect Malaysia, says, “Any time is a good time to study, but in general, yes, recession is an ideal time to take a study break. This obviously depends on the particular circumstances at your workplace, but recession usually means employers will freeze salaries and promotions, so it’s advantageous to bow out at this point, then re-assess your options when you re-join the workforce in a stronger position.”

This sentiment is echoed by Vice Chancellor of Wawasan Open University (WOU), Tan Sri Emeritus Prof Gajaraj Dhanarajan, “An economic slowdown is a good time to re-skill and re-tool yourself. This will help you to be better equipped with marketable skills to compete in the job market when the next opportunity comes along,”

For more, buy the November issue of Personal Money.
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